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Safety Tips When Using Public Wi-Fi at Dubai

How to safely connect and use a public Wi-Fi in Dubai

The free public wifi service is available almost everywhere in UAE like hotels, beaches, restaurants airport etc. But you should also be aware of the dark side of wifi service. Over the public wifi network, your privacy remains vulnerable because your device becomes visible to everyone who is connected to the same system. Now, here the question arises is that what type of personal data becomes vulnerable by using the public wifi, Well, the answer is your every information becomes at risk like your photos, contact details, emails even your credit card details.

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Telecommunication Regulatory Authority always advises the residents to use the public wifi service with caution. You might feel delighted by using the free wifi service after a hectic day, or after the heavy workout but it’s not safe.


Ways on How to Prevent Possible Cyber Attacks:

1. Never leave your file with sharing on. Hackers can easily access your data whenever you turn your file sharing on over the public wifi.
2. If you need to use your credit card for shopping or any other purpose make sure the site is secured. Always check for the green lock symbol which will be visible in the URL bar.
3. Avoid clicking the links shared with you via facebook, twitter or any other website which may contain malicious content.
4. Always make sure you log out after finish using it.
5. Never allow your device to auto connect to a public wifi network.
6. Never use the connection that is insecure, or you receive the certificate error do not proceed further and leave the page immediately.
7. Never leave your Bluetooth or wifi open.
8. Always make sure the webpage is using the HTTP protocol for connection.
9. Always make sure that the firewall of your device is active.
10. While signing in make sure to use 2-factor authentication is enabled to prevent any loss of financial or private information.
11. Try not to perform the financial transaction over the public wifi.

Possible types of Cyber Attacks over Public Wifi Connectivity

One should be aware of possible ways of cyber-attacks. There are different types of cyber-attacks discussed below;

1. Attack during the Data Exchange
When you access the internet, your link between the device and host server is established. When the communication bridge is established the hackers might get in between the connection to steal your private information.

2. Encrypted Connection Via Router
The encrypted connection is always established between your device and the internet. But in the public wifi devices might not use the encryption process which again makes your device unprotected.

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3. Through the Malware
Your device can become a victim of privacy attacks through the malware which is sent to your device over the public wifi connection.

4. Sniffing Method
The professional hackers use sniffing tools to access your device and access your information in real time that might include the login credential’s, your browsing history, your financial information and they can also steal your private data like pictures, documents etc.

5. Rogue Access Points
A network of a malicious hotspot is set for use by the public. Whenever you connect to a malicious hotspot, you might end up in stolen private information.

These tips we discussed are easy to follow, but it would surely help you avoid cyber attacks while you’re staying around the UAE.

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